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A member registered Aug 27, 2019

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i got a solution that is working for me - i installed auto hotkey and did the following: 




That sets my window to 1920x1080 + Border of 16x39 and locates it at the upper center of my monitor :-)

Solved for now..

hmm i can not resize it to exactly 1920x1080 it is always just close to it but not exactly 

The Problem is that i have got a Monitor that is 1920x1200 this size is bad for recording. 

If i had a monitor with 1920x1080 it would be no problem.. but i got none of that size XD and i dont like to set my monitor resolution to 1920x1080 to get a good recording because then everything is stretched (just for me, not at the video then) 

I think it helps you by getting resources for research during the game. 

So you dont have to quit the game to get resources for your research (and you get also the resources when you lose the fight)

Hi Anuke, 

I got a question left :-/

Is there a way to set the game window (windowed mode) to 1920x1080? 

I tried it by creating a shortcut and entering the resolution there - it starts at maximized window 

Then i edited the config.json and added this: "resolution": "1920x1080" but it also starts the game at a maximized window. 

There must be a way to define the size of the windowed mode window size i think.. do you have a solution for this? :-) 

Would be great! :-)

nice :-) thy 

PS: I love the newest update :-D

Hi Anuke, 

I would like to do a video of your game (Mindustry) and upload that to Youtube - is it allowed to do that? :-)